Posts tagged ‘London’

In Our Backyards. Who’s in?

I just stumbled upon a website called IOBY. The name stands for “in our back yards” as in, it’s our responsibility, not someone elses. The website is a hub, where local (New York) organizations can post requests for volunteers and funding for environmental projects, so that small organizations can have the benefit of microphilanthropy, even if they don’t have the administrative resources to handle it. If I learned anything at the Pillar Nonprofit conference this spring, it’s that London needs something like this. Most of the organizations in the city are completely incapable of using social networking resources (lacking knowledge or resources) to effectively further their missions.
Mark today on your calendars. You’ll remember it as the day that a similar project started it’s wheels turning in London, Ontario. I’m working on it. Who’s in?

May 15, 2009 at 11:30 am 1 comment

Architecture of Urban Farming

The City of Vancouver, so much more than a “city that could be,” has developed Climate Change Action Plans and an EcoDensity Charter to do something to make things better. The city recently partnered with The Architectural Institute of British Columbia to present Form Shift: an architectural ideas design competition to support their goal of becoming “the greenest city in the world”.

Urban agriculture ideas were big in the competition. The Harvest Green Project By Romses Architect recieved an honorable mention in the competition, which saw urban farming as a way to help the city eat more sustainably:

To a certain extent, we have seen 20th century town planning disregard the importance of food and farming, and urban development has virtually eliminated agriculture in our cities….Incorporating urban farming prominently into the fabric of the city, and in a synergistic mixed-use development integrated with transit, is a way to re-assert the cultural and environmental importance of locally produced food to the health and sustainability of the city and its residents.

Harvest Green Project

The Community Catalyst submission by Garon Sebastien and Chris Foyd also received honorable mention. Their approach was simple:

Community gardens have proven hugely successful in fostering neighbourhood exchanges and building a sense of community.

Community Catalyst

That’s what we’re hoping for with the River Forks Community Garden, which has taken more than 3 years of fighting to push into existance. Now we’re just waiting for the city to do their thing, so we can do ours. The suspense is killing me!

via City Farmer.

May 11, 2009 at 1:31 pm Leave a comment
