Posts tagged ‘Living’

Spring Makeover: Our expanding Urban Homestead.

This weekend we removed the last of our grass, making way for more food. Grass represents things that I’m not into, not the least of which is mowing. Last year, an old Italian lady asked me, as I offered her herloom black cherry tomatos from my front yard, “Don’t you have a back yard?” Now I can answer that with, “You should see how much food I can grow back there!”
The Urban Homestead says that it’s best to avoid tilling, but sadly, we are too lazy busy to dig it up by hand. This means more maintenance work later, but at least I can get right in there. And it’s so satisfying to look at 🙂

That’s sawdust, not dead grass. Excellent soil additive! You can see the tiny patch of dirt around the perimeter that I used last year.


I was so happy to tromp around in the fresh dirt 🙂

April 27, 2009 at 4:47 pm Leave a comment

What is Living Lime?

There’s a lot of hype surrounding the concept of “living green” these days.  Living green is a great idea, but Living Lime is more than that.  Living Lime is living the best that you can.

The world is sometimes a depressing place.  Our leaders are slow to lead, big corporations seem to have all the power, and it’s easy to get discouraged into thinking that nothing that we do matters.  The answer?  Stop looking at what everyone else is doing wrong and just live the best that you can.  With passion. It’s all you can do, really.

For me, Living Lime means growing my own food and learning to preserve it.  It means buying local.  It means making clothing and items out of repurposed materials so I consume less.  It means contributing to my community, through arts and other activities.  It means standing up for what I believe is right. This blog is a place to find ideas and inspiration for Living Lime.    Gardening advice, seasonal recipes, craft ideas, and community initiatives and activism.  There are a lot of reasons to be inspired.

April 23, 2009 at 2:59 pm 1 comment
